G32 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

G32 6 is a postcode sector in Glasgow City, UK. Below is a complete list of G32 6 Postcodes (Active). G32 6 postcode sector comprises of 204 active postcodes. G32 6 sector has a population of 6995, and it has 3472 properties in the region.

Browse Information On G32 6 postcode sector

G32 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6995
Addresses / Property Count 3472
Active Postcodes 204
Nearby Postcode Districts 56
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of G32 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 204 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
G32 6AA 55.85438700 -4.18004700 22 36 263631 664504
G32 6AB 55.85543600 -4.18092300 20 33 263580 664622
G32 6AD 55.86149100 -4.18285800 0 44 263480 665300
G32 6AF 55.85642700 -4.18080300 0 0 263591 664733
G32 6AH 55.85453300 -4.17738700 N/A N/A 263798 664515
G32 6AL 55.85822900 -4.18130100 N/A N/A 263566 664934
G32 6AN 55.85750900 -4.17983800 14 22 263655 664851
G32 6AP 55.85812600 -4.17952100 10 17 263677 664919
G32 6AQ 55.85853300 -4.18342700 N/A N/A 263434 664972
G32 6AR 55.85799000 -4.17855500 5 7 263737 664902
G32 6AS 55.85543700 -4.17886200 1 2 263709 664619
G32 6AT 55.85519500 -4.17573300 46 88 263904 664585
G32 6AU 55.85923500 -4.18642300 N/A N/A 263249 665056
G32 6AW 55.85816800 -4.18067400 7 9 263605 664926
G32 6AX 55.85430000 -4.17557100 7 11 263911 664486
G32 6BU 55.86164100 -4.19512400 64 156 262713 665341
G32 6BX 55.85725900 -4.18428200 N/A N/A 263376 664832
G32 6DG 55.85731000 -4.19002200 4 13 263017 664849
G32 6DH 55.85832400 -4.19014300 56 120 263013 664962
G32 6DJ 55.85835200 -4.19207800 9 21 262892 664969
G32 6DL 55.85556700 -4.18797400 8 28 263139 664651
G32 6DN 55.85774000 -4.18605100 23 57 263267 664889
G32 6DP 55.85585900 -4.18522600 N/A N/A 263312 664678
G32 6DQ 55.85801400 -4.19138800 8 19 262934 664930
G32 6DR 55.85686700 -4.18815900 N/A N/A 263132 664796
G32 6DS 55.85432700 -4.18872200 35 57 263088 664514
G32 6DT 55.86182400 -4.19294500 16 36 262850 665357
G32 6DX 55.85607600 -4.18941200 24 63 263051 664710
G32 6DY 55.85767800 -4.18246800 38 67 263491 664875
G32 6DZ 55.85834700 -4.18581400 25 50 263284 664956
G32 6EA 55.85585700 -4.19187300 18 39 262896 664691
G32 6EB 55.85554800 -4.19003400 29 79 263010 664653
G32 6ED 55.85584400 -4.19009900 7 15 263007 664686
G32 6EE 55.85517100 -4.18854300 37 69 263102 664608
G32 6EF 55.85793500 -4.18216300 24 46 263511 664903
G32 6EG 55.85853700 -4.18521700 20 44 263322 664976
G32 6EH 55.85791800 -4.18818600 20 50 263134 664913
G32 6EJ 55.85725300 -4.18922000 21 39 263067 664841
G32 6EL 55.85797400 -4.19009100 24 68 263015 664923
G32 6EN 55.85903600 -4.18749800 19 50 263181 665036
G32 6EP 55.85893900 -4.18987400 41 87 263032 665030
G32 6EQ 55.85864500 -4.18774800 14 38 263164 664993
G32 6ER 55.85897200 -4.19211300 13 20 262892 665038
G32 6ES 55.85884300 -4.19349800 4 8 262805 665026
G32 6ET 55.85941800 -4.19177000 23 51 262915 665087
G32 6EU 55.85982400 -4.18915600 0 0 263080 665127
G32 6EW 55.85950300 -4.18902700 8 19 263087 665091
G32 6EX 55.85950800 -4.18723700 9 10 263199 665088
G32 6EY 55.85943700 -4.18517200 10 21 263328 665076
G32 6EZ 55.85887200 -4.18454900 7 13 263365 665012
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